USD Math TK-5

Eureka Squared to Zearn Conversion

Zearn Math incorporates the best content from the highest-rated OER curricula and works alongside your instruction. This document highlights the alignment between the digital content in Zearn Math and each Module of Eureka Math 2.

Eureka2 Implementation Resources

We’re excited to welcome you to another chapter of learning. To serve as your guide for the year ahead, we've curated our robust portfolio of resources below.

Eureka Math Grades TK-5

Video: A New Curriculum for a New Day 


Description: Developed specifically to meet the new standards, Eureka Math offers a comprehensive suite of curriculum, in-depth professional development, texts, tools, and support materials that work together to provide teachers, parents, and students with a cohesive approach to the ultimate goal: students who are not merely literate, but fluent, in mathematics.

Eureka Math Support: RAMP

RAMP stands for Readiness Assessments for Math Project. It was created by the Stanislaus County Office of Education in 2020. It is designed to support assessing foundational skills in math. The resources are broken down by module. Each module has teacher resources to support how to use the assessments, what to do next, and what mini-lessons could be used to support students.